Choosing a Companion Agency For Elderly Care

assisted living

In addition to reviewing the facilities and amenities, you should also pay attention to the staff and residents. The atmosphere of an assisted living community depends on the people who live there. If residents are friendly and helpful, you’ll likely have a positive experience as well. If the staff is not available to answer questions, the atmosphere in the facility may be less than ideal. If staff members are not available to answer questions, you should find another facility. The staff and residents of an assisted living community should be available to create relationships with your loved one. read more

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Choosing a Companion Agency For Elderly Care

assisted living

In an assisted living facility, you should ask about the staff and the residents. After all, people make a place. You should be able to tell if a facility is welcoming and friendly by the attitude of the staff and residents. If they aren’t, you may be better off looking elsewhere. If possible, try to visit the facility on different days of the week and talk to the residents and their families about their experiences. Observe how the staff interacts with the residents and make notes of their interactions. read more

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